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Website Maintenance Packages

Website Development | Search Engine Optimization | Project Management | Blogging & Content Management 

Don’t like doing regular backups and site maintenance?  You want to do maintenance, but don’t know how?  Leave the work and worry to us.

Almost every day you hear about a database being hacked.  If this were to happen to you today, do you have a current backup?  Do you know how to access your backup and install the database on your site?

If you answered no to either of these questions, you should consider our maintenance plan.  Do no rely on your host to back up our database and your content.  I’ve seen way too many clients who depended on the host to do this work, only to find out when it was too late that they had no backup of their database.

This is not something that you want to overlook.

A one-time fee of $99 will be charged to your credit card in addition to the monthly charge.  This one-time fee is needed so that we can bring you site current on all software.