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Learning Center

Jenn Graddy Learning Center

Welcome to the Learning Center at Jenn Graddy Digital, your go-to resource for empowering your digital journey. Here, we dive deep into the ever-evolving world of online marketing, offering a treasure trove of insights, tips, and strategies designed to elevate your digital presence. Whether you’re a small business owner, a budding entrepreneur, or simply passionate about harnessing the power of the internet, our carefully curated blog posts are crafted to inform, inspire, and ignite your digital endeavors. Explore, learn, and transform your digital strategies with us as we navigate the dynamic digital landscape together.

Website Analytics Tracking

Website Analytics Tracking: Boost Your Business Performance Understanding how users interact with your website is crucial for optimizing their experience and improving your site's performance. Website analytics tracking allows you to collect data on user behavior,...

Blogging for Small Businesses

Blogging for Small Businesses

The Beginner's Guide to Blogging for Small Businesses: Essentials for Success Embarking on the journey of blogging can be an exciting endeavor for small businesses looking to enhance their digital presence. As a beginner, you may feel overwhelmed with where to begin...

Guide to Mastering Pet Business SEO Basics

Guide to Mastering Pet Business SEO Basics

The 10-Step Guide to Mastering Pet Business SEO Basics Search engine optimization, or SEO, helps pet businesses get found online. When people search for pet services on Google, SEO makes your website show up at the top. More people will visit your site and become...

Email Deliverability Rules for 2024

The New Email Deliverability Rules for 2024: Navigating Changes for Marketers Email deliverability has become increasingly complex, with numerous factors influencing whether your message lands in the inbox or gets trapped in the spam filter. In 2024, it is essential...

Mastering SEO Basics For Pet Business

Mastering SEO Basics For Pet Business

Mastering SEO Basics For Pet Business: Boost Traffic & Sales Got a pet business? SEO can be your best friend. It's like a magic wand that gets your website in front of pet lovers searching online. But hey, SEO can feel like a tough nut to crack. No worries though,...

COVID-19 Bankruptcies

COVID-19 Bankruptcies I've been seeing a lot of talk about bankruptcies due to COVID-19 so I thought I would start a list.  This will be updated as I hear about  more. XFL The XFL won’t be returning as the league has filed for bankruptcy.  Last week, the XFL announced...

What Should I Post to GMB?

What Should I Post to GMB?

What Should I Post to GMB Wondering what I should post to GMB? We get that question all the time! Hopefully by now, everyone has a Google My Business page.  If you don't have one yet then stop reading and set one up NOW because it is one of the best things you can do...

Black Friday Shopping

Black Friday Shopping

Black Friday Shopping:  Why I Now Shop Online When I was younger, my mom and I would wake up at zero dark thirty, head to the stores for Black Friday shopping to get those once in a lifetime deals. However, in the last 5 years or so I have started doing all my Black...

2020 Pet Holiday Calendar

2020 Pet Holiday Calendar

2020 Pet Holiday Calendar Knowing the 2020 Pet Holiday Calendar can assist you in creating your social media and blogging editorial calendars for the year.  These holidays are perfect for posting on social media, writing a blog post and posting on Google My Business....

Pet Blog Ideas

Pet Blog Ideas

Pet Blog Ideas If you own a pet-related business such as a pet sitter, dog groomer, dog walker or veterinarian and have a website, you should know the importance of writing a blog on a regular basis, but what do you write about.  Here are 50 pet blog ideas so if you...

SEO Tips to Optimize Your Blog

SEO Tips to Optimize Your Blog

SEO Tips to Optimize Your Blog Most business owners know that blogging is essential to SEO, but do you know that the way you write and post your blogs will affect your SEO ranking? Here are 10 tips that you can follow to optimize your blog for SEO 1. Have a clear and...

5 Reasons You Need An SEO Consultant

5 Reasons You Need An SEO Consultant

5 Reasons You Need An SEO Consultant There are many reasons your website needs a search engine optimization (SEO) consultant to help your website achieve more. Many people will try and go it alone in the search engine optimization process and in the majority of cases...

What is a Landing Page

What is a Landing Page

Landing Page What is a landing page and what is its purpose? A landing page is a special type of website page created to force the user to focus their attention on two options -- a specific call to action such as sign-up or leave the page.  By forcing the user to be...