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What Should I Post to GMB?

What Should I Post to GMB

Wondering what I should post to GMB? We get that question all the time!

Hopefully by now, everyone has a Google My Business page.  If you don’t have one yet then stop reading and set one up NOW because it is one of the best things you can do for local SEO. You can even use it for FREE advertising so what are you waiting for?? If you need help setting up a page, we can set one up for you.  For the purposes of this post, we will make the assumption you have an optimized Google My Business page.

Once your GMB page is setup and optimized, you should be posting to your page on a regular basis at least twice a week.  However, many people have a hard time coming up with what to post so here are a couple of thoughts:

  1. Blog Posts: If you have an exciting new blog, GMB posts are great for generating more exposure to your blog. I post a snippet of the blog, highlighting an interesting portion that a viewer will want to continue to read. The beauty here is that you also get some link juice because the reader needs to link to your blog in order to read the entire post.  You can have it linked to wherever you need, for maximum effects.
  2. Review Posts: You probably have some terrific reviews on social media sites or places like Yelp or Google. Why not maximize these reviews and spread the word of how awesome your business is?
  3. City / Location Posts:  You can use locally targeted keywords to enhance your dominance in your area and help establish more relevancy for the city. Posts are usually about events, businesses, and attractions that allure readers, but also give relevance.  You will definitely want to post about any events you are participating in!
  4. Services Post:  Directing traffic to the service pages on your website is an excellent way not only to link build but also get the word out on what the business offers. With GMB service posts you’ll want to spotlight the service with a persuasive sales copy and link to your website, generating a targeted audience that is already interested in what you’re offering. With the addition of the call to actions, you gain even more opportunities to sell.
  5. Holiday Posts:  There are tons of holidays that deserve a post.  Be sure to include keywords like ‘pet sitter’ or ‘dog groomer’ in your post.  For example, if you want to post Happy St. Patrick’s Day post, I would find a cute SPD pic of a dog and post it saying.  Orlando Pet Connections. your Orlando pet sitter, wishes everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
  6. What’s New:  Are you offering a new service?  Do you have a new employee?  Are you covering a new area?  Post about what is new with your business.
  7. FAQs:  Do you have a FAQ section on your website?  If so, post one of the FAQs on your Google My Business page and then have a link to all the FAQ page on our website.  If you don’t have FAQs on your website (you should!) then post a Question with an Answer on your GMB page.

I like to create a monthly editorial calendar for my posts just like I would social sites.  This way, you can think through what you want to post instead of just throwing something up there.

Hopefully we have given you some ideas so you can answer the question ‘what should I post on GMB’.  Contact us if you need help with ideas for your Google My Business page or need help optimizing your listing.


